This is the technical documentation for Tangram’s shader system. Shaders are a vast topic – if you are new to GLSL we recommend starting with Patricio Gonzalez Vivo’s The Book of Shaders. For a technical reference, see the OpenGL ES Shading Language reference card.

Tangram's drawing engine is built using WebGL, which is a JavaScript API for controlling a web browser's OpenGL capabilities. OpenGL is itself an API, designed to allow direct control of a graphics card's output.

OpenGL operates by sending self-contained graphics programs called "shaders" to the graphics card. Shaders come in two flavors: "vertex shaders", which control the position of a 3D face's vertices, and "fragment shaders", which control the color of the pixels which fill in a 3D face.

Every system of 3D graphics which uses OpenGL, including Tangram, has both a vertex and a fragment shader.

Tangram's shading system has been designed so that its shaders may be modified by the scene file at certain stages in their construction, by "injecting" shader code which modifies the shaders on their way to the graphics card. These stages allow the construction of sophisticated shading and compositing techniques similar to those used in video games and film VFX.


The shaders element is an optional element in a style. It defines the start of a shader block, which allows the definition of custom GPU code.

The shaders block has several optional elements:

  • defines - allows preprocessing switches to be set before shader compilation.
  • uniforms - a shortcut block for defining special shader variables called uniforms.
  • blocks - allows direct injection of shader code.
  • extensions - allows the shader to enable WebGL extensions.
                EFFECT_GRAY: true
                u_color: [.5, .5, .5]
                u_speed: 2.5
                global: |
                    float getGrayscale(vec3 p) { return (p.r + p.g + p.b) / 3.0; }
                position: |
                    position.z *= (sin(position.z + u_time * u_speed) + 1.0);
                color: |
                    #ifdef EFFECT_GRAY
                        color.rgb = vec3(getGrayscale(u_color));


Optional parameter. Defines the start of a defines block.

“Defines” are GLSL preprocessor directives, similar to those found in C, which are injected into Tangram's shader code at compilation time. The defines block allows you to set and define custom statements, which are useful for changing the functionality of a shader without modifying the shader code directly.


In Tangram's shader code, that gets expanded to:


In cases where non-boolean values are specified, eg:


This becomes:


These defines are then usable by other directives, such as conditional statements, inside a shader:



reserved defines

Defines prefixed with TANGRAM_ are reserved for internal use. The following defines may be used within custom shader blocks:

  • TANGRAM_VERTEX_SHADER: indicates the block is currently executing within the vertex shader
  • TANGRAM_FRAGMENT_SHADER: indicates the block is currently executing within the vertex shader

For more on defines, see


Optional parameter. Defines the start of a uniforms block.

The uniforms block allows shortcuts for declaring globally-accessible uniform variables, for use in the global, position, normal, color and filter blocks. Uniforms declared here may also be accessed and manipulated through the JavaScript API.

A "uniform" is a GLSL variable which is constant across all vertices and fragments (aka pixels).

Uniforms are declared as key-value pairs. Types are inferred by Tangram, and the corresponding uniform declarations are injected into the shaders automatically.

For example, float and vector uniform types can be added as follows:

        u_speed: 2.5
        u_color: [.5, 1.5, 0]

The uniforms u_speed and u_color are injected into the shader as these types:

float u_speed;
vec3 u_color;

And are then assigned the following values:

u_speed = 2.5;
u_color = vec3(0.5, 1.5, 0.0);

See also: built-in uniforms.


Optional parameter. Defines the start of a blocks block.

The blocks element has six optional sub-elements. Each can contain shader code for manipulating a particluar part of the shading pipeline:

  • global: define global functions, usable by the other shader blocks
  • position: modify the position of a vertex
  • width: modify the width of a feature drawn with the lines style
  • normal: modify the normal of a face (either per-vertex or per-pixel depending on lighting settings)
  • color: modify the color of a vertex or pixel (depending on lighting settings) before lighting
  • filter: modify the color of a pixel after lighting

The shader blocks can be defined in any order, but they will be injected in this order into the vertex and/or fragment shader before their compilation.

        global: …
        width: …
        position: …
        normal: …
        color: …
        filter: …


Optional parameter. Defines the start of a global block.

Defines uniforms and functions to be available globally (for both fragment and vertex shaders, to be used by the position, normal, color and filter blocks).

        global: |
            float getGrayscale(vec3 p) { return (p[0] + p[1] + p[2]) / 3.0; }


Optional element. Defines the start of a position block, written in GLSL, which is injected into the vertex shader.

This block has access to the position variable, which contains the position of the current vertex, and takes the form vec3(x, y, z), in Mercator-projected meters, relative to the center of the view.

    position: position.z *= (sin(position.z + u_time) + 1.0);


Optional element. Defines the start of a width block, written in GLSL, which is injected into the vertex shader.

This block has access to the width variable for the lines style. width is a float in Mercator-projected meters.

    width: width *= (sin(u_time) + 1.0);


Optional element. Defines the start of a normal block, written in GLSL, which is injected into the fragment shader when lighting: fragment, or into the vertex shader when lighting: vertex (it is not injected when lighting: false). fragment lighting allows for each pixel's normal to be modified before lighting is applied, while vertex lighting only enables each vertex's normal to be modified before lighting is applied (providing for less flexibility but increased performance).

This block has access to the normal variable, which takes the form vec3(x, y, z), and specifies the angle of light reflection, as determined by the vector formed by the combination of the three axes.

    normal: |
        normal += vec3(sin(u_time)*0.5,cos(u_time)*0.5,1.);
        normal = normalize(normal);


Optional element. Defines the start of a color block, written in GLSL, which is injected into the fragment shader.

This block has access to the color variable, which takes the form vec4(r, g, b, a). Lighting is applied after this color is set (either per-vertex or per-fragment, as with the normal block described above).

    color: color.rgb = vec3(1.0, .5, .5);


Optional element. Defines the start of a filter block, written in GLSL, which is injected into the fragment shader.

This block has access to the color variable after lighting has been applied – it takes the form vec4(r, g, b, a). It is always injected and applied as the final per-pixel coloring step, regardless of lighting setting.

    filter: color.rgb = vec3(1.0, .5, .5);


Optional parameter.

Styles can enable WebGL extensions with the extensions property. For example, this style uses the OES_standard_derivatives extension:

        base: polygons
        lighting: false
            extensions: OES_standard_derivatives
                color: |
                    // From:
                    // Pick a coordinate to visualize in a grid
                    vec3 coord = worldPosition().xyz / 10.;
                    // Compute anti-aliased world-space grid lines
                    vec3 grid = abs(fract(coord - 0.5) - 0.5) / fwidth(coord);
                    float line = min(min(grid.x, grid.y), grid.z);
                    // Just visualize the grid lines directly
                    color = vec4(vec3(1.0 - min(line, 1.0)), 1.0);

extensions is either a single extension name, or a list of one or more requested extensions, e.g. for multiple extensions:

extensions: [OES_standard_derivatives, EXT_frag_depth]

For each available extension, a #define with the following form will be set: TANGRAM_EXTENSION_${name}, e.g.

#define TANGRAM_EXTENSION_OES_standard_derivatives

Setting #define flags for each extension allows shader authors to take advantage of extensions when they are available on the user's machine, while still writing fallback code to support machines that don't have these extensions. (If a fallback isn't implemented and the style fails to compile, then any geometry with that style will not render, as is true any other invalid rendering style.)

Built-ins, defaults, and presets

The shading system includes a number of parameters and variables which are made available to the vertex and fragment shaders automatically in certain situations, to make defining materials and writing shader code easier.

built-in uniforms

The following are built-in uniforms present in the vertex and fragment shaders, and can be accessed in any of the custom shader blocks:

uniform vec3 u_tile_origin;         // .xy is SW corner of tile in meters, .z is zoom of tile
uniform vec3 u_map_position;        // .xy is map center in meters, .z is current zoom
uniform float u_meters_per_pixel;   // # of Mercator-projection meters for each pixel at the current map zoom
uniform vec2 u_resolution;          // pixel resolution of viewport (in device/"real" pixels, not CSS logical pixels)
uniform float u_time;               // # of seconds since the scene started rendering

u_tile_origin and u_map_position are relative to the top-left corner of the world in Web Mercator space.

built-in property accessors

Tangram includes functions for accessing common properties in shaders:

  • modelPosition(): returns a vec4 of the current vertex's position in a coordinate space local to the tile being rendered. Each tile has a unit length (on each X and Y side) of 1, but this function will return values outside of the range [0, 1] due to unclipped geometry (e.g. extends past tile bounds), buildings taller than a unit cube, etc. Available in the vertex shader only.
  • worldPosition(): returns vec4 of the current vertex or pixel's position in the scale of Web Mercator-projected meters. However, by default, this value is wrapped at an interval (defined by TANGRAM_WORLD_POSITION_WRAP) to preserve precision at high zoom levels (this is necessary for per-pixel operations such as procedurally generated textures). The wrapping will preserve the Web Mercator scale, but not the absolute coordinates. Wrapping can be disabled by setting TANGRAM_WORLD_POSITION_WRAP: false in the style's defines section (under shaders). Available in both vertex and fragment shaders.
  • worldNormal(): returns a vec3 of the current vertex or pixel's surface direction, known as its normal vector, oriented in world space. Available in both vertex and fragment shaders.

material parameters

Certain other uniforms, global variables, and global functions are set when their corresponding material properties are defined:

struct Material {
        vec4 emission;          // available if emission is defined
        vec3 emissionScale;     // available only if a emission texture is passed

        vec4 ambient;
        vec3 ambientScale;      // available only if a ambient texture is passed

        vec4 diffuse;
        vec3 diffuseScale;      // available only if a diffuse texture is passed

        vec4 specular;          // available if specular is defined
        float shininess;        // available if specular is defined
        vec3 specularScale;     // available only if a specular texture is passed

        vec3 normalScale;       // available only if a normal texture is passed
        float normalAmount;     // available only if a normal texture is passed

uniform sampler2D u_material_emission_texture;  // available only if a emission texture is passed
uniform sampler2D u_material_ambient_texture;   // available only if a ambient texture is passed
uniform sampler2D u_material_diffuse_texture;   // available only if a diffuse texture is passed
uniform sampler2D u_material_specular_texture;  // available only if a specular texture is passed
uniform sampler2D u_material_normal_texture;    // available only if a normal texture is passed

uniform Material u_material;
Material g_material = u_material;

// Global light accumulators for each term
vec4 light_accumulator_ambient = vec4(0.0);
vec4 light_accumulator_diffuse = vec4(0.0);
vec4 light_accumulator_specular = vec4(0.0);    // available if specular is defined

When UV maps are used, the following functions are available for use in shader blocks:

vec4 getSphereMap (in sampler2D _tex, in vec3 _eyeToPoint, in vec3 _normal, in vec2 _skew );
vec3 getTriPlanarBlend ( in vec3 _normal );
vec4 getTriPlanar ( in sampler2D _tex, in vec3 _pos, in vec3 _normal, in vec3 _scale);
vec4 getPlanar ( in sampler2D _tex, in vec3 _pos, in vec2 _scale);